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SynPhony Features

Check out these pages for details on additional features.

  1. System-wide features
  2. Word Lists
  3. Readable Texts
  4. Check a Story
  5. Literacy Activities
  6. Nonsense words
  7. Reports
  8. Scope and Sequence
  9. My Library
  10. Track a student
  11. Assessments
  12. Settings

Tracking Students

You can use SynPhony to tutor individual students and keep track of their progress. If you register a student the program will keep track of which letters have been selected and all the other options that are available in the program. You can also perform some basic literacy assessments and perform timed reading assessments and keep track of the results.

When you track students you get some new functionality in the Word Lists page. Two new buttons appear in the activity controls (above the virtual page): “Reading test” and “Timed reading”.

The “Timed reading” feature lets you measure how many words a student can read in a given period of time. The results can be stored and then viewed in the Reports tab.

The “Timed reading” feature is available in the Word Lists page as well as several activities in the Activities page. The buttons which have a “stop watch” in them have the capability to perform “Timed reading” assessments. The activities are: “Letter Grid”, “Syllable Grid”, “Reading Review”, and “Sight Words”.

In the “Reading test” you can ask a student to read the words and the tutor clicks on words that the student reads incorrectly. This stores the word for later review. When a number of words have been stored for review you can see these words in the Assessments page and click on the ”Review Words” activity to review these words.

To enable the tracking of students you must first visit the Settings page, click on the Manage Students option on the left and then select the option “Enable tracking of students”.

Tracking Students

When you select the “Enable tracking of students” option you will see 2 new icons appear on the top menu bar, beside the Settings icon. They look like this:

The first one lets you register new students. The second one is to perform assessments on students. If you also select the option “Display active student in titlebar” you will then also see this in the top titlebar to the left of the Home icon:

Then there are 2 more options in the Settings. You can set the timer for how long it should run for. The timer can be used in several places in other pages to perform timed reading assessments. Finally, you can also display the Student Name at the top of the virtual page. This can be useful if you print out a page and wish to have the student's name attached to the print copy.

Managing students

When you register a student you merely provide a name. This is stored in the browser you are using and is not uploaded anywhere to the internet. There is no other personal information associated with this name.

There are 4 tabs that help you manage students: Selecting a student, Adding a student, Deleting a student, and student Reports.

Select a student
Select a student

This tab lets you select a student. There is 1 default student that can't be deleted from the system. Other students will all receive their own icon. Clicking on a student will load the student's stored options, like which letters have been selected. You can also select a student's name from the drop-down menu in the top menu bar (if you have selected that option in the Settings).

Add a student
Add a student

This tab lets you add students. Click either the “Add a new student” or “Add multiple new students” buttons. Provide the first and last names and click "Add".

Delete students
Delete a student

This tab lets you delete students, either a single student or all students at once.


The Reports tab shows the results of certain timed activities from other pages in the program.